Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Years Honours List

Well now that all that is over with its back to the in's and out's of mens style and what not. Having just found out via twitter  G.Q's best dressed list is out and I thought I better have a look and let them know what they got right and wrong. I had a scan through them to see the usual old faces: Becks, Tom Ford Etc. The newcomers:Dr Who's Matt Smith and Sam Taylor Woods younger half Aaron Johnson. Fair play to these guys as I have to say they have a neat sense of style and pull it off with a bit of swagger which is half of what style is all about.
Then as sure as night follows day there they were. The golden couple, love's young dream: Elton and David. I am fully for same sex marriages and adoption by same sex couples. All for it and on these notes well done to the two of them but for gods sake how on earth how these two are perceived as best dressed is beyond me. Elton John (or Reg Dwight as his parents know him) has never been "best dressed" he needs at least 2 inches off his sleeve length here and as for that shirt and glasses combo... well don't even get me started. He looks like a futuristic mad professor. All I can say is thank god his hair grew back since the mid 70's!!! (It is your hair right Reggie?)

Moving onto his slightly better half (I say slightly through gritted teeth mind you) David. His trouser length here is just unacceptable. He could make a waistcoat out of the excess there and the edging on the jacket matched with the cravat is very uninspiring to say the least. He has made an effort but its mind numbingly dull and does not get any points from me.
These best dressed lists are no more than who's who and who is mates with the editor. All pals together  Its a shame as some of the best dressed men in the world ply their trade on Savile Row and have a subtle sense of how to dress and make an impact at the same time. The majority of this list are trying to plug  something or something (Elton's hair maybe?)  or are in the limelight at the moment so there face there will sell thousands of copies. Its a shame really but as god is my witness I would never accept being on this list. Oh wait there just got an email from a Mr D Jones at G.Q... erm I guess I had better answer this one!