This is a shot of me off to a black tie event and the eagled eyed of you can see I am sporting a cummberbund (note spelt bund and not band).
Whenever anyone gent is off to a glizty event the discussion of the cummerbund comes up: to wear one or not? I myself love the cummerbund it gives a touch a glamour to the mans outfit for black tie and makes the shirt neatly tucked in which looks a lot smarter. The black tie outfit is one that needs more attention than most as it so plain the little things matter more. I have a shawl/peak lapel jacket (it starts as a shawl and carries on to a peak you can see the start of the lapel in the photo above) I always wear a bow tie and my shoes of choice are patent opera pumps with a grosgrain bow on the front. Black tie is not meant to be everyday wear so a notch lapel is not really fitting for such an event and patent shoes are again to distance it from office attire.
The pleats are meant to face up or to remember it how I was told off Savile Row royalty "To catch your crumbs, old fruit."